Monday, November 24, 2014

This is something you don't see to often. A 2012 Big Daddy running 32in muds

Hey what is that funny yellow thing in the sky??

UPS says the weathers too bad for a pick up... So we'll take the packages to the City over, so they can get moving to our valued customers.

Anyone notice the difference?

Good morning from sunny buffalo! Thank you to Scott Littlewood for sending in the picture.

Just a heavy frost here today in Buffalo

Monday, November 17, 2014

What a fantastic time at Rovers on the Rocks 6! Thank you to everyone that made it a success.

Time for the main event! The only Land Rover only Rock Challenge in the USA!!

We got this

Darrel said he's not real happy with his current parking situation

six years in a row that Randy broke window at rovers on the rocks. Way to keep the tradition alive!

Dinner time at Rovers on the rocks.

First person to call Miss Jullie at the office and ask her what happened to the L8 D3 gets a free shirt! Make sure you leave her your info! 716-898-8153 extension 405

Everyone call her!

My new favorite toy

Putting Daryl from platinum motors to work first thing on an install!!!

Good morning from Rovers on the rocks six

Who will be victorious and claim the Trophy this year? See you at Rovers on the Rocks 6!

ROTR 6 Shirts are in!!

Not going? Post up a picture of any Club/Land Rover Event Shirt you have to be entered to win a ROTR 6 shirt! One winner will be computer selected! Must post a photo to this post to win!

Monday, November 10, 2014

What a fantastic time at Howard's guy Fawkes event! 

What are you doing Roverish today?

Finally a Project Disco3 update!!!

A free lucky8 T-shirt for the first person to guess where Mr. plaque is going this weekend. 


Tomorrow is the cutoff for ROTR 6 t-shirts and dinner tickets! Here is the shirt!

Rovers on the Rocks 6 Update:
It is officially crunch time. We have persuaded our T-shirt guy into pushing our deadline to Friday the 7th. This is the final cut off for shirts. They can be purchased accordingly:
Small –
Medium –
Large –
XL –
For XXL, Purchase an XL and put XXL in the notes

Only a few people have registered for the Saturday night dinner and we are going to eat like kings. We all know that after a long day on the trail you are going to be hungry. You need to pre-pay for your meal as there will not be any extra available this year. This deadline is Friday as well.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

So the word on the street is this may not be to far of the mark for the new Defender.

What are you doing Roverish today?

We are batting around the idea of doing a printed calendar. What do you guys think? Would you be willing to send in photos of your truck that we could use? Here's a fantastic example sent in by Kathleen Lumley.

For your enjoyment here is this months calendar.